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Pot Hanger with Straps (20-125-PHS)

£38.40 (Including VAT at 20%)

Availability: Usually dispatched within 2 working days. Please remember to choose the flue liner delivery at checkout to minimise any delays in your order being shipped.

The Pot Hanging bracket allows the MI-FLEX liner to be installed without removing the pot. It is used at the top of the chimney pot to take the weight of the liner on the out side of the pot. This is used when a 3rd party terminal is fitted or when a open termination is required. The skirt of the terminal will close the top of the existing chimney.

Made from 316 grade stainless steel, the flue adaptor has an integral drain hole to let the condensates flow back into the flue.

Specific Application
The Pot Hanging bracket allows the MI-FLEX liner to be installed without removing the pot. It is used at the top of the chimney pot to take the weight of the liner on the out side of the pot. This is used when a 3rd party terminal is fitted or when a open termination is required. The skirt of the terminal will close the top of the existing chimney.

The chimney system must be designed to allow for easy provision for sweeping and maintenance. Sweeping must be carried out by competent person. On solid fuel applications a list of HETAS registered sweeps can be found at www.hetas.co.uk. under no circumstances should chemical cleaners or mild steel tools be used to sweep stainless steel chimneys. Cleaning and inspection of the chimney system should be carried out at least once a year, along with maintenance of the appliance, but it is recommended that chimneys serving solid fuel appliances be swept at least twice a year, at the end of the heating season to remove any deposits, which may have built up during the season, and at the start of the next heating season to check for any blockages or deposits. I.e. birds nets.


The Pot Hanging bracket allows the MI-FLEX liner to be installed without removing the pot. It is used at the top of the chimney pot to take the weight of the liner on the out side of the pot. This is used when a 3rd party terminal is fitted or when a open termination is required. The skirt of the terminal will close the top of the existing chimney.

Made from 316 grade stainless steel, the flue adaptor has an integral drain hole to let the condensates flow back into the flue.

Specific Application
The Pot Hanging bracket allows the MI-FLEX liner to be installed without removing the pot. It is used at the top of the chimney pot to take the weight of the liner on the out side of the pot. This is used when a 3rd party terminal is fitted or when a open termination is required. The skirt of the terminal will close the top of the existing chimney.

The chimney system must be designed to allow for easy provision for sweeping and maintenance. Sweeping must be carried out by competent person. On solid fuel applications a list of HETAS registered sweeps can be found at www.hetas.co.uk. under no circumstances should chemical cleaners or mild steel tools be used to sweep stainless steel chimneys. Cleaning and inspection of the chimney system should be carried out at least once a year, along with maintenance of the appliance, but it is recommended that chimneys serving solid fuel appliances be swept at least twice a year, at the end of the heating season to remove any deposits, which may have built up during the season, and at the start of the next heating season to check for any blockages or deposits. I.e. birds nets.


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