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High Temperature Plasterboard 1200mm x 800mm

High Temperature Plasterboard 1200mm x 800mm

£38.28 (Including VAT at 20%)

Availability: Out Of Stock

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High Temperature Plasterboard is a decorative fireproof board which is not based on gypsum plaster. Vitcas HT Plasterboard is used where ordinary gypsum boards or other fire rated boards are not appropriate and can be used with Vitcas Heat Resistant Plaster. Non-flammable rating A1 non-combustible in accordance with EN 13501-1:2002. Fire resistant, waterproof, mould and mildew resistant. Environmentally friendly. Size: 1200x800x12mm

Onto a brick or block wall
Fire rated wall and ceiling board
Around a boiler
Tile backing (‘tile backer’ board)
Inside fire doors
Fire Barrier on Thatched Roofs

For painting the plasterboards should be fixed with the smooth front face showing.
For skimming with Vitcas Heat Resistant Plaster or for tiling; the boards should be fixed with the rough reverse face showing.
High Temp Plasterboard can be cut and drilled with conventional woodworking tools. They should be installed with either screws, insulation fixings, Vitcas board adhesive or Vitcas HB60 dot and dab. Screws should be at 300mm centres and 15mm from the edge of the board. Screws should be countersunk type, number 6 or number 8 and 35 – 40mm (1.5”) long. Insulation fixings are pushed into a pre-drilled hole of 8mm diameter. Vitcas Board Adhesive can be used to fix to a smooth masonry surface using approx 3mm thickness or HB60 dot and dab can be used on more uneven surfaces.
Note: For applications where a supporting framework of wood or metal would be required with High Temperature Plasterboards we recommend the use of Vitcas Construction Board without a supporting frame.
For some types of cassette stoves with an exposed metal surround (‘edge kit’) it is recommended to use Vitcas Render and Plaster system or Vitcas Construction Boards.


High Temperature Plasterboard is a decorative fireproof board which is not based on gypsum plaster. Vitcas HT Plasterboard is used where ordinary gypsum boards or other fire rated boards are not appropriate and can be used with Vitcas Heat Resistant Plaster. Non-flammable rating A1 non-combustible in accordance with EN 13501-1:2002. Fire resistant, waterproof, mould and mildew resistant. Environmentally friendly. Size: 1200x800x12mm

Onto a brick or block wall
Fire rated wall and ceiling board
Around a boiler
Tile backing (‘tile backer’ board)
Inside fire doors
Fire Barrier on Thatched Roofs

For painting the plasterboards should be fixed with the smooth front face showing.
For skimming with Vitcas Heat Resistant Plaster or for tiling; the boards should be fixed with the rough reverse face showing.
High Temp Plasterboard can be cut and drilled with conventional woodworking tools. They should be installed with either screws, insulation fixings, Vitcas board adhesive or Vitcas HB60 dot and dab. Screws should be at 300mm centres and 15mm from the edge of the board. Screws should be countersunk type, number 6 or number 8 and 35 – 40mm (1.5”) long. Insulation fixings are pushed into a pre-drilled hole of 8mm diameter. Vitcas Board Adhesive can be used to fix to a smooth masonry surface using approx 3mm thickness or HB60 dot and dab can be used on more uneven surfaces.
Note: For applications where a supporting framework of wood or metal would be required with High Temperature Plasterboards we recommend the use of Vitcas Construction Board without a supporting frame.
For some types of cassette stoves with an exposed metal surround (‘edge kit’) it is recommended to use Vitcas Render and Plaster system or Vitcas Construction Boards.


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