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Vitcas Fireplace Render - 10Kg

£28.78 (Including VAT at 20%)

Availability: Usually Dispatched Within 2 Working Days.

Vitcas fireproof render for rendering brick, stone, concrete and breeze block fireplaces. Vitcas fireplace render is used as a base coat for the Vitcas heat resistant plaster finish coat.

Vitcas Fireplace Render is a fine cement-like material which provides a protective rendering for vulnerable materials which can be damaged by exposure to heat.

With a maximum temperature of 1400 °C (2552 °F), it is more than adequate for these and other applications. Fireplace Render is a fully blended material with a maximum aggregate size of 5mm and is only to be mixed with water to a trowelling consistency. As a guide, the amount of water required is approx. 200ml per kilo.


Vitcas fireproof render for rendering brick, stone, concrete and breeze block fireplaces. Vitcas fireplace render is used as a base coat for the Vitcas heat resistant plaster finish coat.

Vitcas Fireplace Render is a fine cement-like material which provides a protective rendering for vulnerable materials which can be damaged by exposure to heat.

With a maximum temperature of 1400 °C (2552 °F), it is more than adequate for these and other applications. Fireplace Render is a fully blended material with a maximum aggregate size of 5mm and is only to be mixed with water to a trowelling consistency. As a guide, the amount of water required is approx. 200ml per kilo.


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